英国法下Inducing a Breach of Contract在中国的“融合发展”
英国法下Inducing or Procuring a Breach of Contract定义与构成要件分析
诱使违约构成侵权(Inducing a Breach of Contract)在中国的“融合”发展
总 结
1.Jones, M., general editor, Dugdale, Anthony M., consultant editor, Bagshaw, R., Buckley, Richard A., Carty, Hazel F., Duodu, K., Giliker, P., Harbottle, G., Longstaff, B., McMahon, F., Murphy, J., Steele, J., Tettenborn, A., editor, Clerk, J. F., & Lindsell, W. H. B. (2020). Clerk & Lindsell on torts. (Twenty-third edition / general editor, Michael A. Jones; consultant editor, Anthony M. Dugdale; editors, Richard A. Buckley [and ten others], at para 23-16. 2. OBG Ltd and others v Allan and others [2007] UKHL 21 3. OBG Ltd and others v Allan and others [2007] UKHL 21 4. Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd v James Kemball Ltd [2021] EWCA Civ 335. 5. 5. Michael Fielding Wolff v Trinity Logistics USA Inc [2018] EWCA Civ 2765. 6. Michael Fielding Wolff v Trinity Logistics USA Inc [2018] EWCA Civ 2765. 7. Emerald Construction Co Ltd v Lowthian [1966] 1 WLR 691. 8. Emerald Construction Co Ltd v Lowthian [1966] 1 WLR 691, at 704. ‘The element of intent is sufficiently established if it is proved that the defendants intended the party procured to bring the contract to an end by breach of it or if there was no way of bringing it to an end lawful.’ 9. OBG Ltd and others v Allan and others [2007] UKHL 21 10. See OBG Ltd and others v Allan and others [2007] UKHL 21 Per Lord Hoffman at para 42-43: “People seldom knowingly cause loss by unlawful means out of simple disinterested malice. It is usually to achieve the further end of securing an economic advantage to themselves…on the other hand, if the breach of contract is neither an end in itself nor a means to an end, but merely a foreseeable consequence, then in my opinion it cannot for this purpose be said to have been intended.” 11. Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd v James Kemball Ltd [2021] EWCA Civ 33 12. 参见黄薇:《中华人民共和国民法典侵权责任编释义》,法律出版社,2020年,第3页。 13. 参见最高人民法院民法典贯彻实施工作领导小组:《中华人民共和国民法典侵权责任编理解与适用》, 14. 参见北京市高级人民法院(2017)京民初24号苏永利与云南高盛联合投资有限公司等合同纠纷一审民事判决书。 15. 参见《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》第二条:侵害民事权益,应当依照本法承担侵权责任。 本法所称民事权益,包括生命权、健康权、姓名权、名誉权、荣誉权、肖像权、隐私权、婚姻自主权、监护权、所有权、用益物权、担保物权、著作权、专利权、商标专用权、发现权、股权、继承权等人身、财产权益。 16. 参见《中华人民共和国民法典》第一千一百六十四条:本编调整因侵害民事权益产生的民事关系。 17. 参见上海市第一中级人民法院(2017)沪01民终7533号林杰诉莫琦房屋买卖合同纠纷一案二审民事判决书。 18. 参见上海市闵行区人民法院(2016)沪0112民初15685号莫琦与林杰、林某某等房屋买卖合同纠纷一审民事判决书。 |
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